When you think of endangered animals, your mind might jump to elephants, tigers, or maybe even polar bears. But there’s one quiet creature slipping toward extinction that you might not have heard of: the pangolin. Covered in scales and curled up like a pinecone when threatened, this shy, gentle animal holds the unfortunate title of being the most trafficked mammal in the world.
Providing updates on species preservation and issues
The Atlas Bear and Tasmanian Tiger: Why They Matter Today 🐾
SHOULD We Resurrect The Woolly Mammoth? Weighing the Pros and Cons
Saving the White Rhino- Great News!
The last tortoise standing?
The Takeaways from the Planet’s Extinct Species
Preserving Earth's Legacy: A Call to Save Species
Embark on a journey of understanding, read the story of endangered and extinct species like the Passenger Pigeon and Tasmanian Tiger.
A Call to Action: Reflect on the broader consequences of species extinction and consider the impact of your choices on our planet.
Join the Movement: Visit Speciologie's online platform and be part of the effort to save Earth's diverse species. Your purchases of Speciologie's fashionable extinct animal clothing support species survival, contributing to the preservation of our planet's invaluable biodiversity. #Speciologie
IUCN RED LIST- Over 27% of assessed species are possibly at risk
The Latest IUCN Red List is out.
Established in 1964, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature has transformed into the most comprehensive global source of information regarding the conservation status of plant, animal, and fungi species. Serving as a vital gauge of global biodiversity, it offers much more than a simple list of species and their statuses. This tool is instrumental in driving awareness and action for biodiversity conservation and policy reforms, crucial for safeguarding the essential natural resources for our survival. The IUCN Red List provides in-depth insights into species including their range, population size, habitat and ecology, use and trade, threats they face, and conservation efforts, all of which are pivotal for making informed conservation decisions. Speciologie donates a portion of all purchases to support species conservation efforts.
Almost Extinct: Save The Amur Leopard
Unveiling the Elegance on the Edge: The Amur Leopard's Last Stand
In the depths of the Russian Far East and Northeast China, a creature of unparalleled beauty teeters on the brink of extinction—the Amur leopard. Once a free-roaming marvel, their numbers now dwindle dangerously low. Discover the remarkable story of these majestic big cats, their ancient habitat, the dire threats they face, and the glimmer of hope that could yet see them thrive. Join us in the urgent call to protect these elusive felines and secure a future where their grace endures. Read on to unveil the enigmatic world of the Amur leopard and the collective efforts to save them from oblivion and join Speciologie in an effort to save this majestic animal.
A Glimpse into the World of Sea Turtles: Latest Conservation Updates
In the azure waters of our oceans, a gentle giant navigates the currents, capturing hearts and awe - the sea turtle. These ancient mariners, with their enduring grace and importancye in ocean ecosystems, face a critical threat to their existence. The challenges of habitat destruction, accidental capture in fishing gear, climate change, and poaching have pushed several sea turtle species to the brink of extinction.